The wrist can become involved in arthritis where the joint cartilage has been worn away. This can happen either because of undiagnosed ligament injury or broken bone in the wrist, or because of wear and tear, or because of destruction from the body’s own immune cells in rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis. If this happens, the patient may feel pain and stiffness of the wrist.
Mr Wharton works with hand therapists to help work through the best options for individual patients suffering with wrist arthritis. In the early stages this often involves splinting and exercises, combined with steroid injections. Often Mr Wharton refers to a radiologist to place steroid injections under ultrasound guidance.
Mr Wharton offers a number of surgical options for wrist arthritis that are tailored to the individual patient. These include selective nerve division of the nerves that supply sensation to the wrist joint (sparing the large nerves that supply the fingers), keyhole (arthroscopy) options to take away spurs of bone, partial wrist fusions (arthrodesis), total wrist fusion or joint replacement surgery.