Foot & Ankle, General News

Know your Bunions….

  As the weather forces us to wear more enclosed footwear, many people will be suffering from pain in their bunions. In this second article in the Foot and Ankle series, our expert Foot and Ankle surgeon Mr Tim Sinnett FRCS(Tr&Orth) discusses the options...


Foot & Ankle

Why Am I Getting Heel Pain?

Heel pain is a very common symptom and normally resolves within a very short period of time without any formal treatment. However, if the pain continues, you should see a specialist to get a formal diagnosis so that the actual cause of the pain can be treated...



Should I Be Worried About My Baker’s Cyst?

It is common for patients to come to clinic having been told they have a Baker’s Cyst. Normally the diagnosis has been made by a General Practitioner, or the cyst has been found incidentally when an MRI or Ultrasound scan was performed on the knee for other...