Mr Benan Dala-Ali

Consultant Paediatric and Adolescent Orthopaedic Surgeon
MBBS, MSc, FHEA, FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Benan is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in Paediatric Surgery. He leads the Paediatric Orthopaedic Unit at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust as well as working at The Oxford Children’s Hospital and The Portland Hospital for Women and Children in London. Benan runs a busy paediatric orthopaedic and sports injury practice managing conditions of varying complexity in children of all ages from infant to adolescent. Benan creates a bespoke treatment plan for each child, deploying the most current evidence-based practices in the management of the injury or condition, always ensuring that the child and family are kept at the heart of the decision-making process.


Safiya Valu
Practice Direct Dial: 020 3824 2297


  • Adolescent and Paediatric fractures
  • Adolescent and Children’s sports injuries
  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)
  • Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) or “clubfoot” and Ponseti Casting
  • Neuromuscular disorders including Cerebral Palsy
  • Lower limb and rotational deformities including “knocked knees”, “bowed knees” and “intoeing”
  • Paediatric hip pain, injuries or conditions including Perthes and SCFE
  • Paediatric knee pain, injuries or conditions including Osgood Schlatter’s Disease and Patello-femoral Instability
  • Paediatric foot and ankle pain, injuries or conditions including Sever’s Disease, flat feet and tip-toeing gait
  • Extensive experience managing infants, toddlers and adolescent children.
  • High volume elective and trauma paediatric orthopaedic practice.
  • Consultant at a University Teaching Hospital
  • Paediatric Fellowships completed at Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children in London.
  • Experience of managing high level academy athletes.
  • Benan underwent all his under- and postgraduate medical and surgical training in London, completing his higher surgical training in Orthopaedics and Trauma on the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Rotation.
  • Worked at Level I Adult and Paediatric Trauma Centres in London and Melbourne.
  • Double Fellowship trained In Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery.
  • First Fellowship at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne in Australia, including working in the Hugh Williamson Gait Laboratory and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
  • Second Fellowship at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Kids in London.
  • He regularly presents in national and international Meetings and Forums in his field.
  • Benan completed a MSc in Musculoskeletal Science at UCL from 2010 to 2013. His thesis, entitled “The role of Raman Spectroscopy in the diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta”, had a particular a focus on the role of new technology in helping the diagnosis of rare genetic conditions.
  • Current research in AI, AR and VR in the medical and surgical setting.
  • Awarded a position as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
  • Benan is a Surgical Tutor for Oxford University.


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