Toenail Disorders

Toenail disorders that require a surgeon.

The main problem that will often require the help of a Foot and Ankle Surgeon is an ingrowing toenail. Thickened nails, fungal infections and discoloured nails are best treated by a dermatologist unless surgical removal is required.

What are the symptoms of an ingrowing toenail?

Patients will complain of redness and pain around the side of the nail which can spread towards the base. If an infection sets in then pus may be noticed. In this case, antibiotics should be started quickly. Repeated episodes of pain or infection are an indication for surgical treatment.

How is it diagnosed?

Clinical examination is all that is required. Chronic conditions with atypical symptoms may be a symptom of deeper infection in which case X-rays and MRI may be required.

What are my options for treatment?

Non-operative treatment is normally successful. This includes good foot hygiene, regular pedicures or chiropody input, soaking the affected toe in salty warm water and antibiotics. If recurrent episodes occur then the option of surgery should be considered. Wedge excision of the nail involves making the nail narrower and removing the growth potential of the nail at its edge so that it does not recur. This is a surgical procedure and should be performed in an operating theatre.

Our Specialists


Our team have broad experience in the successful treatment of a range of foot and ankle problems, addressing both young and sports related injuries as well as those relating to trauma, disease process and genetics.


Our team are well placed to manage and treat a diverse range of foot and ankle problems utilising cutting edge diagnostic technology and treatment approaches, both surgical and conservative. Below is an overview of some of the conditions we treat but for a more thorough understanding please contact our team here.

MR Tim Sinnett

MR Tim Sinnett


MR Mike Willamson

MR Mike Willamson