Stress Fracture

What is a Stress Fracture?

The term Stress Fracture is used to describe a break in a bone that is caused by a repetitive force. This is different to a normal fracture where a large force is usually needed to break the bone. They usually occur in the metatarsal bones but can also be seen elsewhere in the foot such as the heel bone.

What are the symptoms of a stress fracture?

Stress fractures can present in several different ways. The most common symptoms are a period of aching in the foot followed by a sudden sharp pain that persists. This is normally accompanied by swelling and difficulty in walking. Some patients will present simply with pain and swelling rather than an obvious gradual painful onset.

How are stress fractures diagnosed?

The diagnosis is usually made by listening carefully to the patient’s symptoms. Patients will often describe a recent change in their exercise regime such as training for a marathon or starting more impact style exercise. Examination often reveals a foot that is swollen and tender at the site of fracture. Initial X-rays may not identify the fracture as they are usually undisplaced, and the earliest X-ray sign may be new bone formation which is a sign of bone healing. MRI and CT can identify this injury early in its course.

What are my options for treatment?

Treatment is almost always non-operative in the form of an orthopaedic shoe or boot. Addressing lifestyle changes such as the type of exercise being done, footwear and bone health is important. Your surgeon must always consider that the fracture was actually due to your bones being weaker than they should be. Causes of this can include vitamin D deficiency (from lack of sunlight), hormonal changes (commonly seen at the time of menopause), poor diet or eating disorders and long term medication such as steroids.

Our Specialists


Our team have broad experience in the successful treatment of a range of foot and ankle problems, addressing both young and sports related injuries as well as those relating to trauma, disease process and genetics.


Our team are well placed to manage and treat a diverse range of foot and ankle problems utilising cutting edge diagnostic technology and treatment approaches, both surgical and conservative. Below is an overview of some of the conditions we treat but for a more thorough understanding please contact our team here.

MR Tim Sinnett

MR Tim Sinnett


MR Mike Willamson

MR Mike Willamson