Lis Franc Injuries

What are Lis Franc injuries?

The Lis Franc joints of the foot are basically represented by the junction of the forefoot to the midfoot. This junction can be injured in twisting type injuries or more high energy injuries such as a fall from height or crush injury. The Lis Franc joints are important for stability so these can be severe injuries.

What are the symptoms of Lis Franc injuries?

Following the injury, patients will often struggle to bear weight, can experience significant swelling and pain and may notice some bruising on the sole of the foot.

How are Lis Franc injuries diagnosed?

Examination and investigation by a Foot and Ankle specialist is important for these injuries because they can easily be missed. Weight-bearing comparative foot X-rays, CT and MRI are all useful in confirming the diagnosis.

How are Lis Franc injuries treated?

In general terms, if the injury is unstable then surgery is normally the best option. Clearly, if medical co-morbidities are significant then a conservative management route may be safer. The aim of management is to reduce the risk of developing post-traumatic arthritis in the midfoot joints.

Stable injuries can often be managed in either a cast or a boot with regular X-rays to ensure alignment has been maintained.

Our Specialists


Our team have broad experience in the successful treatment of a range of foot and ankle problems, addressing both young and sports related injuries as well as those relating to trauma, disease process and genetics.


Our team are well placed to manage and treat a diverse range of foot and ankle problems utilising cutting edge diagnostic technology and treatment approaches, both surgical and conservative. Below is an overview of some of the conditions we treat but for a more thorough understanding please contact our team here.

MR Tim Sinnett

MR Tim Sinnett


MR Mike Willamson

MR Mike Willamson