Hip arthritis or hip osteoarthritis is a common degenerative disease that results in pain and stiffness that progressively worsen as the disease progresses; often attributed to ageing. Many treatments exist to support the joint and minimise pain.
What is Hip Arthritis?
Arthritis is damage and wear of the cartilage lining the surfaces of the hip joint. In most cases the arthritis is caused by age-related wear and tear, however, it can develop secondary to other conditions such as trauma, avascular necrosis, femoroacetabular impingement, infection or an inflammatory condition
What are the symptoms of Hip Arthritis?
Hip arthritis may cause pain around the hip, buttock, thigh or knee. The hip becomes stiff and activities like putting your socks and shoes on can be more difficult. Many sufferers will wake up at night due to discomfort. As the disease progresses the severity of pain gradually increases causing significant mobility concerns. Arthritis isn’t always an age-related concern, and symptoms can begin young in limited instances, it may be noticed during vigorous sport for example.
How is Hip Arthritis diagnosed?
Usually, the symptoms and a careful examination will suggest the diagnosis. This is often confirmed with an X-ray or MRI scan. A physical exam may include observing the way you walk, feeling the joint and observing its movement and any noise attributed to its movement.
How is Hip Arthritis treated?
In the early stages, measures such as taking anti-inflammatories, cycling on an exercise bike and perhaps losing some weight can help control the symptoms. A course of exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist can be helpful.
Unfortunately, the condition is progressive and if the symptoms cannot be managed with these measures, then a hip replacement is a very effective surgical treatment. Additional surgical approaches include hip resurfacing and removing any bone spurs. All in all treatment options for arthritis are very good.
What is the outlook following treatment for Hip Arthritis?
Conservative treatments can be effective at relieving the pain of hip arthritis. However, for those with more advanced arthritis, the best option is often to surgically remove and replace the damaged bone and cartilage. The most appropriate treatment for you will depend on your unique circumstances. The most appropriate treatment for you will depend on your unique circumstances following your examination.